North South Wines needed a platform that could give them visibility and flexibility. As a small team, the staff were also required to fulfil a range of tasks, from customer account management and negotiating with new suppliers to credit control and business forecasting. Being able to keep on top of all this information and to multi-task effectively required a single platform that enabled each member of the team, real-time and accurate information about every part of the business.

Built on Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Bevica was the perfect solution for the requirements of North South Wines. Their cloud-based implementation has enabled the North South Wines team to access their business information from any location, facilitating out-of-hours calls to international suppliers which can now be done off-site with the same level of information as from the office.

Complete the contact form and download our case study to find out how Bevica has provided North South Wines with flexibility and scalability to support rapid business growth.

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