Our GDPR preparation started in 2017 and as part of this process we are reviewing (and updating where necessary) all of our internal processes, procedures, data systems and documentation to ensure that we adhered to and complied with the GDPR regulations when they came into force in May 2018.
These are our GDPR Principles:
Data is processed only for specified and lawful purposes
Client data is not held by TVision
Processed data is adequate, relevant and not excessive
Data is not kept longer than necessary
Data is processed in accordance with an individual’s consent and rights, including the right to be forgotten and the right to rectification
Data is kept secure
Data is not transferred to countries outside of the European Economic Area (‘EEA’) without adequate protection
TVision employees are trained in latest GDPR compliance and the process to follow if and when a breach occurs
TVision has a process in place for any Subject Access Requests to be met within the 30 day requirement
We also comply with all relevant data protection legislation. You can see how we’re doing this by reading our full Privacy Policy.