by Nicki Stewart

The London International Wine Fair (LIWF) opened its doors at 09.30am yesterday for day two of the event. Unlike day one the day started much more gradually, great for me as I was on my own to answer queries on what Microsoft Dynamics NAV had to do with the Wine trade.

Here is the pitch: Microsoft Dynamics NAV is business software designed to meet operational and finance process requirements. TVision has developed the solution further (as encouraged by Microsoft) to meet the needs of wine and drink distribution. For example, the standard software knows about stock, we’ve added the concept of duty paid / duty free; the standard software knows about units of measure, we’ve added the concept of equivalent case reporting . . . and so on.

This does well, particularly with the presentation playing on the screen behind with some great quotes from our great customers in the trade. But alarmingly no one has heard of Microsoft Dynamics, despite Microsoft’s investment in advertising, including sponsorship of the Lotus F1 team (my theory: perhaps the cars are just too fast for anyone to  notice; one visitor’s: F1 doesn’t appeal to target audience of senior decision makers . . . ). Interestingly the visitor who commented that he doesn’t follow F1 had heard of Navision . . . (see previous blogs on the subject!).

Pippa joined us on the stand for day two and was duly taken for a photo shoot. It’s not that we especially favour the French wines but they have great promotions and will probably be the best remembered exhibitor.

Pippa at LIWF

Although we may well be remembered fondly too; the chocolate is doing extremely well and extra supplies have been brought in for day three!

For more information on the Wine System, Microsoft Dynamics NAV for Wine Merchants.