Mixed feelings this week, very happy that TVision has been short-listed as a finalist for the BCS-IT Awards in Project Excellence (see news: TVision Technology named finalist in BCS & Computing UK IT industry awards 2011) coupled with slight anxiety about the next stage this Friday. Together with Ian Storrier from Penta Consulting, we have ten minutes to persuade a weary panel of judges that our implementation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Agency Time, deserves the award.

I say weary panel of judges, they may not be, having never had to spend a full day listening to ten-minute award pitches back to back I wouldn’t really know. Our slot is in the middle of the day; just before the judges break for lunch. Not sure if this is good or bad timing; I imagine the best way to impress will be to stick to the time limit. (Although I am also imagining some kind of trap door or ejector seat that will ensure we don’t overstay our allotted time!)

However, I am thoroughly enjoying the process. The award questions are making me consider how we measure success. Typically we implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV for companies who have recognised that their existing systems have become a liability. It is nigh on impossible to convince people to change a working system on the basis of improved ROI: “It’s not broke . . .”etc seems to be the British mantra. In the ERP market, we suffer from “burning bridge” syndrome as in people will only seriously consider replacing the system when the flames are raging!

Penta are not enormously different in that respect; their existing systems were no longer supporting the business. Where they were different was in the recognition that new software alone would not be the answer. When Ian Storrier joined as FD over four years ago, system replacement was on the agenda along with a clear plan to ensure that a new system would support best practice, not gloss bad habits.

Having spent time getting the foundation right made the implementation that much easier for us. Working with a team who had board approval, had prepared the board for possible disruption (although this proved minimal) and who were determined to take a sensible approach to step improvement rather than having unrealistic expectations, made it easy to turn to Penta as our case study for this award. All our projects are excellent, of course! Penta worked exceptionally well as it was clearly defined (based on TVision’s Agency Time solution for recruitment agencies and so requiring very little customisation), realistically managed and provided real ROI from day one. A text book Microsoft Dynamics NAV rapid implementation, but books do not implement systems, people do. It is a real pleasure to be working with Penta on this award. Fingers crossed for Friday!