Estefania Llorente – Senior Developer
Stef is a Senior Developer at TVision, and has worked for the company for over 12 years. She has a broad experience of C/SIDE development on all areas of NAV from version 2.6 all the way through to NAV 2018. She also liaises directly with clients to solve any issues with standard or bespoke functionality.
Name someone you admire, and why?
My mum. When she was little they were very poor and she couldn’t attend school so she taught herself to read and write, and today she writes articles for newspapers and her grammar is always perfect. And she can sew anything, she’s always making me clothes. I wish I had inherited her talents!
What’s a typical day like for you?
80% of my work is writing code with a few meetings with consultants for feedback and an occasional visit to a client. I normally work on several projects at the same time and also have some time allocated to help the Support desk when they require changes to the code or to understand how something works.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Not really!
If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be?
On a nice beach , somewhere warm & sunny
Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I honestly have no idea, I have practically no memories of my childhood!
Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me… If it’s very early – probably sleeping! If not In the gym , shopping or tidying up the house!
How do you want people to remember you?
As a kind person
What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?
I can work pretty fast and I normally get along with everyone.
Name three words that you describe you: Reliable, honest, emotional
How do you think your colleagues would describe you?
Name something surprising on your bucket list
Going camping!
Describe a personal goal that you want to accomplish in the next year?
I’d love to run a half marathon.
What publications do you regularly read?
I take a look at the Spanish newspapers everyday, but don’t really read that much apart from novels.
What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?
Spending time with my friends
What are some causes you care about?
Environmental issues and animal welfare
What do you do with friends in your spare time?
We just enjoy getting together at their place or ours, and when the weather is nice in summer we go cycling or to a park, festival, etc.
What would be your personal motto?
Treat others like you want to be treated
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