Xena Robinson – Office Manager

Xena has had a variety of jobs since leaving college: previously working in retail (shop assistant), in a school environment as a science technician as well as in an accountancy firm. Her role at TVision entails a bit of everything, looking after the office and staff, making sure everything runs smoothly, planning external staff events, helping with HR and Finance, etc. Xena loves her job as no day is the same as the previous one!


Name someone you admire, and why
My mom. She is very dedicated, to her work, to her family, to anything she does. She is always determined to get things done and get them done properly while still thinking about how it will affect others . I have always looked up to and aspired to be like her.

If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be?
Travelling! I would love to travel and explore new countries and cultures. My current list of places I would like to visit includes, the Netherlands, Japan, France, Germany, all 3 Scandinavian countries and Portugal.

I enjoy tracing my ancestry and have managed to find the graves of my long-lost great-great uncles that I would love to visit, pay respect to and just be someone to remember them.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?
After watching the TV series, Bones quite a lot, I always aspired to become a forensic anthropologist.

Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me…
Having a nice lie-in from staying up all night gaming.

How do you want people to remember you?
As someone who was kind and caring, who helped them in times of need and always stood by and supported them.

Describe a personal goal that you want to accomplish in the next year
I would like to further myself and start working towards a higher education qualification.

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?
I really enjoy video gaming, not just from the enjoyment of the games but also the social aspect that a lot of them have, getting to meet people from different countries and backgrounds and working together solve the games.

What are some causes you care about?
Any cause relating to animals. I regularly support Cats Protection via donations and attending some events they hold.

What do you do with friends in your spare time?
We mostly play video games together, get together at conventions like Comic Con and just spend time chatting over a meal or watching shows together.

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