TVision is committed to meeting its social, economic and environmental responsibilities and recognises that doing so is integral to the long term success of the business. In order to achieve this commitment, we will work hard to find a balance between the financial sustainability of TVision as a business against wider ethical corporate social responsibility.
We will comply with all legislation, standards, statutory and other obligations, client policies and best practice where required, reasonably possible and relevant to our activities and the jurisdictions in which we operate.
This policy aims to support TVT as a socially and environmentally responsible company, with financial stability that protects our employees, provides value to our clients and actively engages with stakeholders.
Our wider aim through the operations that we undertake is to have a positive impact on communities and the environment.
TVT’s management team is responsible for reviewing and approving the content and implementation of this policy. They are also responsible for having an awareness of the social and environmental impacts of our operations and taking appropriate measures to help their staff act in compliance with this policy.
TVT’s managing director will ensure the group’s adherence to this policy. Line managers are required to check that their staff are aware of this policy and any associated guidance.
All staff are required to comply with the policy requirements and share responsibility for our performance in implementing it.
We support initiatives to promote environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and diversity through our business culture, financial donations and use of staff time and company resources.
We pay all our permanent staff above the legal minimum wage and the Living Wage or its equivalent. We also encourage our suppliers do the same.
We consider the social, economic and environmental aspects of our business decisions and operate in a way that guards against unfair business practice.
We operate in accordance with our Equal Opportunity policy to ensure all current and potential employees are treated fairly and with respect. This includes promoting a working environment that is free from discrimination, bullying or harassment; offering remuneration packages with equal pay and opportunities regardless of gender that accurately reflect qualifications and experience; and providing training opportunities, apprenticeships and work placements.
We do not use slave, illegal child or forced labour (including human trafficking) either directly or through our supply chain and record the actions we have taken to avoid this in our Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
We provide and maintain a clean, healthy and safe working environment and operate in accordance with our Health and Safety policy statement.
We operate in an open and honest way with stakeholders, including our clients and suppliers.
We maintain an Anti Bribery Register and apply a zero tolerance approach to acts of bribery or corruption by any of our employees, business partners or agents working on our behalf.
We seek and respond to the opinions of our employees and clients, and respond to any complaints in accordance with our procedures. Our contracts with suppliers clearly set out the agreed terms and conditions.
We pay our suppliers in a timely fashion and operate in accordance with the Prompt Payment Code wherever possible.
We seek to protect the environment and acknowledge the value of the local community and aim to build positive relationships wherever possible.
We seek to make a positive contribution through the services we provide and encourage participation, interaction and engagement.
We recognise the environmental and social benefits of using local suppliers to support our offices.
This document was reviewed and approved by the directors of TVT Group Limited on 20/02/2024.
Our compliance and policies pages.